ag体育正规 Cabernet Sauvignon: Its History, Character & 配对

  • on JANUARY 25, 2023
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ag体育正规 Cabernet Sauvignon: Its History, Character & 配对

By Shana Clarke January 25, 2023

No grape is more synonymous with ag体育正规 than Cabernet Sauvignon. 从阳光普照的谷底到高耸的山上葡萄园, 高贵的赤霞珠葡萄特别喜欢纳帕的温和气候. 有能力酿造出年轻时令人眼花缭乱的美味和成熟时值得陈年的葡萄酒, Cabernet Sauvignon truly shows off its royal range in 纳帕’s unique terroir.

但是这种著名的法国葡萄是如何成为加州的明星的呢? 以下是赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)成为ag体育正规标志性品种的历史, how to pair Cabernets with food, 也 as a few great 纳帕 Cabs to look out for.

Cabernet Sauvignon’s Roots and Character

赤霞珠的起源可以追溯到法国西南部的吉伦特地区. 它是品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)和白葡萄长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)的后代. Known for its thick skins, 高单宁, and relatively high acidity, it is a grape that has spread in popularity across the globe. Notes of black currant and red fruits, 黑醋栗, 和胡椒, 有时黑巧克力或烟草的味道是赤霞珠的标志. 和, 因为赤霞珠有坚固的单宁和坚固的结构, it has the potential to age gracefully for many years, 让其复杂的风味和香气随着时间的推移而发展和成熟.

History of Cabernet Sauvignon in ag体育正规

赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)在19世纪中期抵达加州,在圣克拉拉山谷种植,然后在19世纪后期向北传播到索诺玛. 尽管它是一种挑剔的葡萄,但它的芳香品质却受到了葡萄酒爱好者的好评. H.W. 然后,克拉布把这种葡萄带到ag体育正规,种植在托卡隆葡萄园(在希腊语中意思是“最高的美丽”)。, now part of the 奥克维尔 AVA.

19世纪80年代末葡萄根瘤蚜的双重打击和20世纪20年代的禁酒令一度阻碍了葡萄酒行业的发展, 但是到了1963年, Cabernet Sauvignon became the third most-planted grape in 纳帕, after Zinfandel and Petite Sirah. The 1970s were a time of great experimentation in ag体育正规, 因为酿酒师们不断挑战赤霞珠的极限. 尝试长时间浸泡,并熟练地软化单宁. The decade also saw a surge in Cabernet plantings, as the industry gained momentum and confidence, 但没有什么比纳帕的赤霞珠和霞多丽击败法国竞争对手更能体现这个行业的进步了 1976 Judgment of Paris.

20世纪80年代,另一轮根瘤蚜再次威胁着该地区, but by this time, winemakers were armed with better plant material, 小苗, and know-how when it came to replanting. The rise of so-called “Cult Cabernet” labels further captured wine drinkers’ attention, 到了1997年, Cabernet Sauvignon was the most planted variety in ag体育正规, and remains to this day.

纳帕 Cabernet on the Label

为了让一款酒被贴上“赤霞珠”的标签,至少75%的酒必须含有赤霞珠. Other Bordeaux varieties, such as Merlot, 小大比重, and Cabernet Franc, make common blending partners. 和 for a label to carry a “ag体育正规” designation,或其中一个子产区,100%的水果必须来自该AVA.

Worth The Investment?

ag体育正规赤霞珠以其丰富而复杂的风味而闻名, but it’s also known for its high price tag. 一些最负盛名的ag体育正规解百纳每瓶售价可达数百美元, putting them out of reach for many wine enthusiasts. 然而, there are also plenty of high-quality, 价格实惠的纳帕解百纳,物超所值, so don’t be afraid to explore these, 也. They may not have the cachet of the 崇拜的标签, 但它们仍然展示了ag体育正规赤霞珠的独特性格,可以为更广泛的消费者所享用.

What to Pair with Cabernet

赤霞珠大胆的口味和高单宁使它成为各种菜肴的完美搭配. The full-bodied wine complements rich proteins, like beef and lamb, making it an excellent choice for a classic steakhouse meal, but pretty much any rich protein is a great match. 与炖羊腿或牛膝牛肉搭配,味道会更丰富、更复杂.

当想到赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的搭配时,蔬菜可能不是你首先想到的东西, but they can make for surprisingly delicious matches, 太. 蘑菇、炖豆——甚至烤球芽甘蓝——都能抵抗赤霞珠. 奶酪爱好者会很高兴地知道,赤霞珠可以与各种奶酪搭配. Cheddar and Gouda are classic matches, 但其他坚硬的奶酪,如陈年帕尔马干酪或佩科里诺干酪,也能保持葡萄酒的强度. 为了扭转局面, 试着将纳帕赤霞珠与奶油蓝奶酪搭配,带出水果和辛辣的味道.

Ready to dive in and explore 纳帕 Cabernet in your glass? 这些历史上重要的ag体育正规赤霞珠生产商是一个很好的开始

Pine Ridge, Stags Leap District Cabernet Sauvignon

The Stags Leap District, even before it became an official AVA, 1976年,该地区出产的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)在巴黎评奖中击败法国葡萄酒获得最高荣誉,引起了国际关注. 今天, 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)继续成为该产区的招牌葡萄和松树岭(Pine Ridge)的特定产区葡萄酒, with dark fruit and spice notes, 解释了为什么.

路易斯·米. 马提尼, ag体育正规 Cabernet Sauvignon

他在旧金山经营了一家成功的葡萄种植企业(并在禁酒令期间生产了圣酒出售)。, the 马提尼 family moved north and set up shop in St. 海伦娜 in 1933. It is a winery of firsts in ag体育正规: it was one of the first to use cold fermentation; to use wind power in the vineyards; and one of the first to bottle a varietal Merlot.

Charles Krug, ag体育正规 Cabernet Sauvignon

Founded in 1861, 查尔斯克鲁格被认为是纳帕的第一家商业酒庄,并被认为开设了第一个公共品酒室, 引导. 这款酒的葡萄来自扬维尔庄园的葡萄园,出产的赤霞珠带有成熟的红浆果和摩卡的味道.

Corison, Kronos Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon

Cathy Corison is known for her elegant and textured Cabernets, and her Kronos Vineyard is the source of outstanding fruit. 这款单葡萄园赤霞珠的葡萄藤种植于1971年,由于年代久远,产量很低, the grapes produce wines with depth and finesse.

Lokoya, Diamond Mountain District Cabernet Sauvignon

Lokoya专门生产山区葡萄园的赤霞珠,不同的装瓶显示了赤霞珠在不同海拔和不同风土条件下的多样性. 钻石山位于ag体育正规的上部,是玛雅卡马斯山脉的一部分. Nutrient-poor soils mean vines struggle to find nourishment, but that results in concentrated and complex fruit flavors.

Schrader Cellars, Heritage Clone Cabernet Sauvignon

Schrader works with some of 纳帕’s most prestigious vineyards, such as the historic To Kalon Vineyard, for its Cabernets. 遗产克隆来自一个特定的块在托卡隆葡萄园和, as its name suggests, a very particular clone of Cabernet Sauvignon. This lush wine with beautiful acidity, a streak of minerality, and blackberry fruit is definitely a wine to age.